Apps Not Opening With Java Mac

  • Recently, I have created my first public Java application, which opens a simple GUI. I have tested it on my Windows PC, but someone reported that the file does not open on their Mac OS. Since I do not have anything running a Mac OS to test it, I'd need your help to tell me if.
  • I've tried opening it through with the command prompt: java -jar forge-1.15.1-30.0.36-installer.jar and it says 'unable to access java jar file.' I'm able to install Forge 1.12.2 because it gives me the option for a Windows Installer, but 1.15.1 doesn't have that option just regular Installer. My Java is up to date. Thanks in Advance for any help!
  • Get the latest version. If an app or webpage you want to use asks you to install Java software, you can download the current version of Java for OS X directly from Oracle's website. Note: You can also download legacy Java SE 6 from Apple if you’re using an app that specifically requires this unsupported, out-of-date version.
  • In the list on the right select, the Java Plugin - the name of the plugin will vary depending on whether you are a Mac OS X or Windows user. On the Mac, it will be called Java Plug-in 2 for NPAPI Browsers or Java Applet Plug-in (depending on the operating system version). On Windows, it will be called Java (TM) Platform.

Malicious Software Warning in App. You will see an error, “App can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from App Store” when you have setting that does not allow apps outside App Store. Third Party App Warning. In all cases, the error message will show how did you download the app with no option to open.

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      1.7 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
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      Just because your game crashes too doesn't mean you have the same issue.. make your own thread and provide debug.log (more info in my signature below)
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      Looks like you already have a server running
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      Please provide debug.log (more info on where it is and how to provide it in my signature below, just expand the spoiler) please provide a screenshot of your mods folder with the full path showing as well
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All Mac OS versions run on a technology called Gatekeeper, It’s designed to ensure that only trusted software runs on your Mac. If the software you are trying to open is not certified you will see a message like this “can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.”

Top Examples

  • “mysqlworkbench” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.
  • “sourcetree” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.

Java Not Opening Jar

Note: Allowing apps to be installed manually brings potential risk from malware. Programs like Source Tree are legit, however try to make sure you are downloading the latest version of the software and from an authorized website before proceeding.

Bypass “Can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.”

Most applications can be easily opened by this method:

Time Needed :2 minutes

“Can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.” Deletinga app on mac.

  1. Method 1

    System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> click “Open Anyway”.

  2. Method 2 – Right Click App

    Instead of double clicking on the app, just right click and press Open.
    You will get a notice “Can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.” however you will still get the option to open the program

  3. Method 3 “Works for Mac OS Catalina”

    Open “Terminal” App — Applications > Terminal. Use xattr to remove the app from quarantine. Source Reddit
    $ xattr -d <app-path>

  • Mac OS Catelina, Mojave and Older

Apple has removed the option allow all third Party Applications.

Since the release of the Mac OS Catalina apple has removed the option in the Security and Privacy settings to allow programs from “Anywhere” to be downloaded. From now on only individual programs can be given permission to be installed.

  1. Why do I get the message “can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.”

    Many programs have a notarization issue since the Catalina Update. Apple has tightened its privacy policies and has limited certification to apps only in the app store. Even though there are workarounds most users might feel an unease to install such programs.

Most Common “can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.” Errors

  • “java 8 update 251” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.
  • “jdk 8 update 251.pkg” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.
  • “sourcetree” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.
  • “runescape” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.
  • “mongodb compass” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.
  • “mysqlworkbench”
  • “Origin”
  • “macperformance”
  • “appium”
  • “nox app”
  • “install”

“mysqlworkbench” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.

“mysqlworkbench” refers to MySQL Work Bench is a legitimate program and it should not be considered malware. It is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs. MySQL Workbench also provides data modeling, SQL development, user administration, backup, and much more. MySQL Workbench compatible with most version of Mac OS X, including the latest version Mac OS 10.15.5

“sourcetree” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.

Sourcetree most definitely is not malicious. It interacts with your Git repositories and visualizes and manages your repositories through Sourcetree’s simple Git GUI. It is a Free Git client that is compatible with both Mac OS 10 and Windows 10. Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of SourceTree for Mac

“java 8 update 251” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.

“Java 8 Update 251” (8u251) refers to the latest version of Java 8.0. This is not malicious software however you cannot download the software from the app store therefore the pop up message will show up in all cases. If you are interested in what the latest updates includes you can check out the official update release for Java here.


The latest MySQL package for mac is appearing to have the same problem. Installing it directly from the official MySQL page will still lead to the same message “mysql-8.0.21-macos10.15-x86_64.pkg” can’t be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software.

App Not Responding Mac

Alternative messages

Some users have been receiving a similar message “macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware”. It is again related to gatekeeper technology where the application is not verified by apple. Many reputable applications have such a message when trying to install on a mac.

Mac Apps Won't Open

Cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer mac

App Store Not Responding Mac

In this case MacOS is not mentioning that this application is potentially dangerous. This is somewhat confusing as many unidentified developer apps for Mac do receive a message that it cannot be checked for malicious software. If you do however get this message you can still bypass and open the app with the same instructions above.