Delete Apps Mac Air
How To Uninstall Apps On Macbook Air
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However as much as I know it was way to hard to delete unwanted application from launchpad for many users that also include me. The LaunchPad-Control will help users to mange launchpad in mac. But if you’re just like DIY kind than you must read this article to know how manually delete apps from launchpad in Mac OS X.There are a couple of ways you can actually go about uninstalling apps on a Mac. Luckily for Mac users, the uninstallation process is a lot simpler on macOS than it is on other platforms. Here are three ways to uninstall Mac apps. At this point, OS X will move the app to the Trash, but if you change your mind, you can simply drag the app back to the Applications folder. To delete the app forever, click and hold the Trash. Click next to the app that you want to delete, then click Delete to confirm. The app is deleted immediately. Apps that don't show either didn't come from the App Store or are required by your Mac. To delete an app that didn't come from the App Store, use the Finder instead.
In this article, I will show tutorials first how to delete particular app from launchpad in mac and second is how to delete all apps from launchpad.
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So, first of all we going to discuss how you can easily remove per apps from launchpad on your mac.
But I’ve to tell you there is three method from which you can delete app from launchpad 1 ) Using LaunchPad 2 ) Command Line 3 ) Using Finder
Delete One App at a Time Using Launchpad
To delete one selected app from launchpad on your mac using a launchpad.
Click and Hold down the con until all icons start jiggling.
Fiery feeds mac app. Fiery Feeds supports Feedly, Feedbin, Feed Wrangler, Fever, Feedja, InoReader, NewsBlur, Bazqux, The Old Reader, FeedHQ, FreshRSS, Tiny Tiny RSS, Local and iCloud feed accounts. You can also add Instapaper, Pocket and Wallabag Accounts for full two way sync, as well as local only or iCloud syncing read later accounts. With Fiery Feeds 2, released on the App Store today, Burgstaller has largely focused on two fronts: modernizing every aspect of the app, and adopting a subscription-based business model that clearly separates features available for free from those exclusively available to paying customers. In the process, Fiery Feeds has grown into a cleaner, more elegant client that looks nicer on iOS 11 and the iPhone X.
Click on ‘X’ button shown in upper left side of corner of the icons that you want to delete.
However you can only delete apps that installed form Mac App Store. Which means if you want to delete an app from your mac that not installed from Mac App Store you’ve to use command line to remove it that given below.
How To Delete Apps On Mac Air 2020
Delete Selected on Launchpad Using Command Line
So, to delete app that not installed from Mac App Store you’ve to use command lines on terminal.
First launch the Terminal and enter the given following command line. But replace the ”NAME OF APP” with the name of application you want to delete.
sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/*.db “DELETE from apps WHERE title=’NAME OF APP ‘;” && killall Dock
Deleting App on Launchpad Using Finder
To delete app from launchpad you can also used finder application. If both above don’t work for you.
1. Run the app from Launchpad
2. Right Click on the app you want to delete on Dock
3. Now choose the Options > Show in Finder
4. You can also delete the app.
Delete All Apps From Launchpad Using Terminal
You can delete all apps from launchpad and give a fresh start and can installed your favorite apps on launchpad and lot more.
Launch the Terminal
Enter the given following command line
sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/*.db “DELETE from apps; DELETE from groups WHERE title”; DELETE from items WHERE rowid>2;”; killall Dock
Note that one you delete the apps they can’t be recover. So first of all check the your mac launchpad and then format the launchpad.