Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave

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  1. Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave Installer
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  3. Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave Dmg
  4. Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave 10.14

Welcome to VIPKid! Teach English to children in China, online, on your schedule, and all from home. Earn money when and where you want. Set Your Own Schedule. Work when you want, where you want - with no commitment or minimum hours. Learn more about teaching hours. Teach One-on-One. Teachers Are Not the Only Ones Talking About Us Top 10. Are you an English teacher? Or are you the one who can teach English language? And do you want to make $22/hour without leaving the comfort of your home? If you're the one, I've got good news for you. VIPKID is the perfect place for you especially if you are interested in a work from job you can work overnight.

Most laptops and desktop computers are suitable for VIPKid. Once you are a hired teacher, you’ll also be able to use an iPad to teach (but you currently need a PC or a Mac to complete the hiring process). Currently, you are unable to teach VIPKid classes from a Chromebook. People often ask Tina what computer she uses for teaching and for video-recording. . Plug in the power cord and make sure that it’s at least 50% charged. Power up holding down the Command (⌘) and R keys holding those two keys down until the Apple logo appears. The macOS Utilities window will appear (this could take a few minu.

Facebook: 4.7

Glassdoor: 3.4 (Down from 3.5 September 2019)

What Nationalities does SayABC accept?

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SayABC accepts teachers from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. They no longer accept teachers in South Africa.

Do you need a Degree and TEFL to work for SayABC?

Yes, as of 2019 all China-based companies are required to ensure all teachers have a degree and 120 hour TEFL

Is SayABC Part of VIpKID?

Absolutely. They are the sister company of VIPKID catering for the group lesson market in China. SayABC is currently moving out of their early startup phase. They grew rapidly in 2018 and hired a lot of teachers.

They have become one of the largest online companies for group classes in China already and are always looking for more teachers as they grow rapidly!

Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave Installer

SayABC is a part of VIPKID and focuses specifically on group classes, whereas VIPKID teaches 1 to 1. In January 2020 it was announced that SayABC would become part of another VIPKID company Dami Wangxiao

Please note that the author of this post is a former employee of SayABC. This review follows the same format as all other reviews and includes third -party review scores. Please also see our affiliate policy.

What are the SayABC Class Types?

SayABC teaches young learners between the ages of 4 and 12 in classes of up to 6 students, classes are split into two main types; Homerooms which run twice a week (although these are in the process of being replaced with a new class type called Dami which runs once a week) and Trial Classes. Homerooms are nine lessons of 40 minutes (plus 5 minutes of preparation. Once the homeroom is finished the homeroom is likely to renew to the next unit. Trial Classes are one lesson only and are comprised of potential new students. The focus of these classes is to give students a great experience and convince parents to sign up for a full course. The maximum class size has recently changed from 4 to 6, although classes are not always full!

How are SayABC classes Booked?

Classes are assigned to teachers by SayABC. Parents are not able to choose which teacher they are given. SayABC assign classes based on past attendance records and future availability. To be assigned the 9 lesson homerooms teachers need to ensure that they have long term future availability open.

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How much does SayABC Pay?

SayABC has a very competitive payment system and is often thought of as one of the highest paying companies although they reduced their base pay from $15 - $13 per 40-minute class in July 2019 and have been further reducing incentive systems

Major Classes:Base payment $13 USD / 40 Minute class

Completion Incentive: For completing a full unit with no attendance issues (missing classes, cancellation, late to class etc) SayABC pays an additional $36 / unit of 9 lessons ($4 / Class)

Trial Classes: Base payment $13 USD / 40 Minute class

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For each student that signs up for a course within five days of the trial class, you will earn an additional $8 USD. While there is a potential to earn up to $47 / class (($15+$8x4 Classes)), most teachers report that they usually only convert one or fewer students/class.

Do teachers get booked with SAYABC?

Yes! although teachers have reported that depending on the time of year it can be hard to get bookings which can affect the total amount that they are able to earn.

Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave Download

When Are SAYABC’s Classes?

Like most online schools in China classes are arranged evenings and weekends when the students are not in regular school:

Monday - Sunday: 18:00 - 18:40, 18:50 - 19:30,. 18:40 - 20:20, 20:30 - 21:10 Beijing Time

Weekends: 09:50 - 10:30, 10:40 - 11:20 Beijing Time.

Click here to convert to your Time Zone

The SayABC Slots are a little limited as there are only six per day. The peak slots are the 19:40 and 20:30 slots so be sure open those!

What are the SAyABC Attendance and Leave policies?

SayABC promises their parents that they will have a fixed teacher for all 9 lessons of the unit. For this reason, they have a very strict leave policy compared to other teachers. In addition to not achieving the completion bonus teachers fins that if they have asked for leave on more than one occasion that SayABC will start assigning them fewer classes. SayABC teachers report that this is the major downside in working for SayABC as teachers feel that get locked into teaching and is can be difficult to take longer leave periods.

What platform does SayABC use?

SayABC teachers need to download the SayABC ‘Teacher Portal’ which runs on Windows and Mac OS. The platform is functional and enables teachers to open and close availability, enter classrooms, preview materials see their current payments and contact support teams, among other things. The platform is functional and not cluttered with less useful features which can be a problem with other companies. SayABC also has a teacher App that runs on Android and iOS. This allows you to check your schedule while you are away from your main computer, cancel classes, contact support and receive upcoming class reminders (very useful for preventing you missing classes!). The app is clearly in its early development stages though!

What are the SayABC tech requirements?

As SayABC use a dedicated platform rather than a browser they do have higher requirements than other companies that run their classrooms through a browser window:

CPU: Intel i3 4th Generation or above, AMD A10 Generation or above:

RAM 4GB or higher

Internet: 20M/Sec Down & 4M/Sec. They also require a LAN / Ethernet Cable and check for this both during the interview and when you are actively teaching). Check your speed here (Close all programs, Browser windows and VPNs first!)

What Materials does SayABC use?

SayABC is a partner of National Geographic and has adapted their ‘Our World’ series for their main courses. Teachers report that the materials are generally very good with plenty of interactive materials and the classroom tools and activities generally work very well. Some teachers do report that the timings of some classes can be a bit problematic with a few units either having a bit too much or little material for a 40-minute class

How good is SayABC’s Teacher Support?

Reviews on the teacher support are mixed for SayABC. Many teachers report that the support teams are very helpful and friendly, whereas others mention a lack of communication or confusing information. They have a useful online help-centre that can be very helpful if the support teams are offline (they don’t have 24-hour support unlike some other companies). Recent reports from teachers suggest that the support teams can now take a long time to reply to top support requests.


Much like their parent company SayABC work hard on their teacher community and have regular meetups lead by teachers all over the world and often run their own live stream events. There is also a very active official Facebook Community for active teachers.

What is the SayABC Contract Type:

Like almost all teaching companies SayABC’s teachers are hired as Independent Contractors

What is the SayABC Application Process?

SayABC estimates their process takes around 10 days from application to contract signing, This consists of either a face to face or self-recorded interview, both of which require a short demo class to be given to the interviewer. Successful applicants do a self- study orientation through the platform in preparation for a live evaluation class with real students that is recorded and assessed. Most teachers say that the process is very good if a little involved, and report that the interviewers in the face to face interviews are very nice and speak great English!

Tell us what you think of SayABC in the comments below!

Since OS X Mountain Lion in 2013, Mac software updates have been delivered to users alongside app updates in the Mac App Store. With macOS Mojave, that changes. Mojave introduces a completely revamped Mac App Store that follows the redesign of the iOS App Store in iOS 11. As part of this new design, Apple has moved Mojave software updates to a dedicated System Preferences pane.

You’ll still get application updates via the Mac App Store, but system updates like new versions of macOS Mojave, security patches, and bug fixes will now have their own interface. Here’s how to use macOS Mojave software updates.

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The New macOS Mojave Software Update

To find the Mojave software update tool, you’ll need to launch System Preferences (the gray gear icon located by default in your Dock). If you have Mojave configured to automatically check for software updates, it will let you know if one or more are available with a notification badge on the System Preferences icon.

Clicking the System Preferences icon when it is displaying a software update notification will send you directly to the Software Update preference pane. If you back out to the main System Preferences window, you’ll also see a notification badge there when pending updates are available.

Does The Vipkid Teacher App Work With Macos Mojave 10.14

The actual Mojave software update interface is relatively simple. When you launch it, it will do a quick check for any available updates and display the results. Clicking Update Now will install any pending updates. Just be sure to save any open work before clicking this button, as many software updates require a reboot.

It’s on this same screen that you can enable automatic software updates by checking the box Automatically Keep My Mac Up to Date. With this option enabled, your Mac will regularly check for and download all recommended system updates and then install them for you when you’re not using the Mac.

If a reboot is required for these automatically applied updates, the process should save your work for you and then reopen any apps and windows once it boots back into macOS. In practice, however, it’s not always perfect. So if you opt for automatic software updates try to get out of the habit of leaving unsaved work open when you walk away from your Mac.

Clicking Advanced let’s you fine tune your automatic update process. For example, you can have Software Update automatically check for and download any updates, but wait for you to install them. You can also have your Mac install the potentially less disruptive Mac App Store updates automatically, but require your approval for macOS updates.

There’s also a separate option that allows you to wait on installing “regular” system updates (such as the future macOS Mojave 10.14.1 update) but automatically install critical security patches that Apple occasionally releases.

Once you’ve configured your options, click OK to save the Advanced settings and you can then close System Preferences. Going forward, macOS Mojave will check for, download, and install software updates according to your preferences.

Again, remember that this only applies to system updates. Although you can enable automatic app updates via this System Preference pane, you’ll find the list of actual pending and installed app updates in the new Mac App Store.

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By • @mggjim This article was originally published on
